A Mother's 3 Lessons

Photo by Nong Vang on Unsplash

“Mama, can you tell me a story?”, a child asks his mother.

“Sure, my baby, let me tell you the story of how you were created.”

“Your daddy and I birthed you from love, like with all your brothers and sisters. I love you even before I set my eyes on you and will love you till the end of my life.” began his mother, the child smiles, sits closer to his mum, and listens on.

“I love your brothers and sisters very much. My greatest gift for them is my love, like how I love you now. As your brothers and sisters grew up, my greatest wish for them is to learn to love like how I love. I tried teaching your brothers and sisters the best I can. However, they have their own hopes and dreams that they want to pursue and your brothers and sisters stopped learning how to love one another.” says his mother with a sad smile.

“Your brothers and sisters would walk past one another and not smile when their eyes meet. It breaks my heart each time they do this. There are even times when they would hug each other, and I would feel so happy that maybe they do love each other after all, just to learn that your brothers and sisters are holding knives to stab the other in the back. I gave your brothers and sisters a purpose in life by letting them have the freedom to choose any jobs they desire. Yet, they still complain daily that they rather do nothing or sleep in the whole day.”

“I won’t break your heart mama,” says the child wiping the tear on his mother’s face.

His mother just smiled and went on with her story.

“So, one night, your daddy and I were talking in bed. We had to fix this, while we still can. We decided to take things away from your brothers and sisters. No more jobs, no more smiles, no more hugs and kisses.” says his mother.

“How mama?” asks the child.

“Your daddy and I decided to create you, and we asked your brothers and sisters to name you. Your brother Boy, and sister Girl, named you COVID-19. Your name carries the meaning 'CO' which is short for corona, 'VI' for virus, and 'D' for disease, and you were born in 2019.” explains his mother.

“My brothers and sisters don’t like me.” cries the child. “They tell me I bring them only pain.”

“What’s new? They do not seem to like anyone. Even me.” laughs his mother, ruefully. “COVID-19, you were created to help your brothers and sisters learn the beauty of a sincere smile, and the true purpose of a hug and kiss.” comforts his mother.

“Will you let my brothers and sisters play with me?” asks the child.

“Yes, my darling. You can choose any one of them to play with.” replies his mother. “You see COVID-19, you were meant to teach your brothers and sisters 3 lessons.”

“The first lesson is to learn to fill their hearts with so much love and joy that their smile reaches their eyes.” reveals his mother.

“The second lesson is to know that hugs and kisses were created for comfort, and not to hurt.” explains his mother.

“The third lesson is to live their lives purposefully and to contribute to society.” continues his mother.

“I love all my creations, for I am Mother Nature. If they have learned their lessons, I will soothe them after you played with them COVID-19 and let them be on their way.”

“What if they did not learn their lesson, mama? What happens then?” asks COVID-19.

“When their time comes, they will have to face me, their father.” says daddy who was at the doorway listening to the conversation between COVID-19 and Mother Nature. “Your mama just wants them to be prepared, for I am Godfather Death, and they will face what that is known to all living creatures – death. If they learned the 3 lessons well, there is no fear when I take them to their place of rest.”


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